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『外语翻译』〖双语阅读〗男女有别,减肥也有别 。
hovis(2009/4/1 18:30:06)  点击:49184  回复:1  IP:212.* * *
When it comes to weight loss, it often seems like men and women are from different planets. That’s the topic of my Today Show segment (check back later for the video). Does gender really make a difference in your ability to lose weight and keep it off? Read on, as I answer some questions I’m often asked. The answers are both biological and behavioral – not a surprise when it comes to Mother Nature. Do you have others? Let me know what you’re thinking!
Is it easier for men to lose weight than women?
It often can be. Men have more testosterone, which does two things: (1)supports greater muscle mass (so resting metabolism is usually higher); and (2) promotes more muscle mass with exercise – both which burn greater numbers of calories.
Plus, women have a biological “yo-yo” – childbearing, where excursions of weight are normal, and it’s often a struggle to get exactly back to the same pre-pregnancy weight. Monthly changes in hormonal status (up to and including menopause) also can stimulate appetite.
Do men and women accumulate different kinds of fat?
The fat is the same, but it’s distributed differently. Men typically have “belly” fat – around the middle, and women tend to have lower body fat, around the hips, thighs, and buttocks.
Is one kind of fat harder to lose than another?
Belly fat, most common in men, actually is targeted first during exercise. So, if you’re an exerciser, the biggest changes first seen will be in abdominal fat. The lower body fat is often deposited during the child-bearing years – where it is meant to be used when the baby is born to nourish (via breastfeeding). There are female hormones that target this fat at that time.
Do men and women eat differently for comfort?
In general, women are greater consumers of fruits and vegetables than men. When it comes to comfort, women seek out sweet/fat foods – think ice cream, baked goods, candy and chocolate, while men tend to look for savory and salty/fat foods – think pizza and cheeseburgers.
What about keeping weight off?
Weight maintenance is the great equalizer! Both women and men struggle with long term weight maintenance. Both sexes are “yo-yo” dieters. It appears that the same strategies for long term weight changes are the same for both men and women. One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!!
What do you think about this?

.1.  回复:『外语翻译』〖双语阅读〗男女有别,减肥也有别 。
hovis(2009/4/1 18:30:26)  IP:212.* * *






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