中英双语阅读 饮食调查:英国人受快餐诱惑最深iuk(2010/4/21 18:15:35) 点击:
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119.* * * Britons are the world's biggest fans of fast food, just ahead of Americans, while the famously gastronomic French are the least attracted to quick meals, according to a study published last week。
The survey of 13 countries also confirmed growing concern over obesity worldwide, but noted different priorities and strategies in different parts of the world for tackling it。
"People are inherently contradictory and nowhere is it more obvious than on such a sensitive and important issue as their weight," says Steve Garton of polling body Synovate, who produced the survey jointly with the BBC。
该调查由 Synovate民调机构与BBC联合开展。Synovate民调机构的史蒂夫?加顿说:“人天生矛盾,而在体重这个敏感重要的问题上体现的尤为明显。”
"The results show there's a world of people who cannot deny themselves that hamburger or extra piece of pizza, but probably make themselves feel better by washing it down with a diet cola."
In terms of fast food, 45 percent of Britons agreed with the statement "I like the taste of fast food too much to give it up" ahead of 44 percent for Americans and Canadians at 37 percent。
The French, long proud of their reputation for high-class cuisine, strongly disagree: 81 percent rejected the statement, followed by 75 percent of Singaporeans and 73 percent of people from Romania。
"Britons love their fish and chips," Garton says。
"French people take care of their image as a matter of course. Being thin is part of our culture and a point of pride," he says. "On top of this there is increasing awareness of the devastation obesity can cause to one's health."
他说: “法国人很注重自己的形象,这是件很自然的事。保持苗条的身材是我们文化的一部分,也是一种骄傲。此外,人们也越来越意识到肥胖给健康造成的危害。”