英国班戈大学2020年4月-2020年9月的PSE课程将采取线上方式进行授课palm21(2020/3/26 11:46:20) 点击:
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125.* * * Due to the current N-Covid-19 situation in the UK, The 2020 April - September Pre-sessional course will be on-line only.
*A minimum IELTS score of 4.5 (no element below 4.0) or equivalent is required to apply for this course. If your school requires a 6.5 IELTS score, or equivalent, this entry requirement increases to IELTS 5.0, or equivalent.
Course Dates: 27 April 2020 to 4 September 2020 On-line only
Course fee: £4,950
The 2020 June - September & 2020 July - September Pre-Sessional courses may also be on-line only, depending on how the current situation develops.
鉴于近期英国新型冠状病毒疫情发展情况,班戈大学 2020年4月-2020年9月的PSE课程将采取线上方式进行授课。学生无需办理签证前往英国学习。
如直录要求为6.0的课程,例如商科,音乐等,满足雅思4.5分(直录为6.5 的课程,要求雅思5.0分),即可申请 2020年4月-2020年9月的PSE课程。(如学生英语成绩为非UKVI,托福或其他英语考试,case by case。)