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2009年度榮業行”葉煥榮兄弟助學金” 開始接受申請,這項由英國榮業行”葉煥榮兄弟基金”為鼓勵經濟上有困難的華裔子弟攻讀英國高等教育而設的助學金,從2000年開始,舉辦以來, 已有二百多名華裔子弟受惠,深受社會各界人士贊許.

今年是第十年度舉辦, 英國榮業行創辦人葉煥榮,吉榮,利新兄弟為實踐<取之社會,用之社會>理念,把這個助學金作為榮業行長期回饋社會目標,從2005年起,該行第二代接班人葉漢源,思源,思行開始參加本計劃&#9702;
凡於2009年進入或正就讀英國大學全讀華裔學生(至少父母其中一人是華裔), 不限年齡, 性別及原居地, 惟需品格良好,在校表現優異, 懂中文者較為優先, 申請人可從電腦網站.www.chineseinuk.com或www.wingyip.com下載申請表格, 並需提交約300 字自述, 說明經濟情況, 供審核委員會委員參考&#9702; 助學金審核委員會將按各申請人條件的優先次序批核&#9702;

審核委員會的決定是最終決定,不需作任何解釋&#9702; 2009年度助學金總額3萬6千鎊, 設立30名名額, 每名可得助學金1200鎊. 獲得助學金的次數最多是三次.

本年度申請截止日期是2009年10月31日, 獲得受助學生名單於2009年年底公佈 &#9702;  
查詢: www.chineseinuk.com 或 www.wingyip.com

The W. Wing Yip & Brothers Bursaries (2009)

The W. Wing Yip & Brothers Bursaries 2009 invites applications.  More than 200 awards have been granted since the launch of the Bursaries in 2000.

The bursaries were set up by the W. Wing Yip and Brothers Fouindation, aiming to encourage Chinese in or coming to the U.K to pursue university education by providing assistance to students who encounter financial difficulties to carry on their studies.

For the purpose of serving the community in the long term, the founders of the bursaries, Mr. W Wing Yip and his brothers, Mr. Sammy Yap and Mr. Lee Sing Yap , their next generation. Mr. Henry Yap, Mr. Albert Yip and Mr. Brian Yip, directors of Wing Yip Group have since 2005 participated in the project.

Candidates must be of Chinese origin (one of the parents be of Chinese origin), regardless of age, sex and place of origin, be of good character, and must have academic achievements. References from two persons will be required, at least one of whom must have known the candidate as a student. Knowledge of the Chinese language will be an advantage. Application forms may be down-loaded from www. chineseinuk.com or www. Wingyip.com. Applicants must also submit a personal statement of about 300 words, stating their own financial position for the reference of the Board of Selection.

The decision of the board shall be final and no reason for the decision shall be given.  

The total amount of the 2009 awards is &pound;36,000. Their will be 30 awards, each for &pound;1200. No single applicant shall receive an award for more than 3 times.

The deadline for receipt of applications is October 31, 2009. The results will be announced by the end of 2009. Notification of an award will be sent to each successful candidate by post and by e-mail. The results will also be announced through the Chinese media and on the above website.

Please refer: website: www.chineseinuk.com or www.wingyip.com for full information.

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