【双语】奥地利数学家算出世界杯冠军 曾成功预测西班牙捧杯tinyhut(2018/6/4 15:53:07) 点击:
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125.* * * 四年一届的世界杯即将到来。哪支球队将捧起大力神杯?奥地利数学家通过数据统计预测说,巴西队将和德国队在决赛相遇。经历了上届世界杯的惨痛记忆,巴西希望卷土重来,德国则力争卫冕。
Austrian mathematicians have revealed why you should put your money on either Brazil or Germany for the 2018 World Cup.
The two teams are neck-and-neck favourites to win the tournament, according to a set of millions of calculations based on hundreds of betting odds.
Experts said while Brazil have a 16.6 percent probability of winning the title, defending world champions Germany are close behind with a 15.8 percent chance.
The research team has successfully predicted several tournament outcomes in the past, among them the correct world champions Spain in the 2010 World Cup and three out of four semi-finalists in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
Researchers at the University of Innsbruck in Austria combined the odds of 26 online bookmakers and betting exchanges with a complex set of statistical models.
Using these calculations to simulate all possible games and results, Brazil and Germany came out on top more than all other teams.
‘The most likely final with a probability of 5.5 percent is also a match between these two teams, giving Brazil the chance to make up for the dramatic semi-final of 2014,’ study coauthor Professor Achim Zeileis said.
Though a final between the two seems likely, the models were unable to predict which of the teams would lift the trophy.
Brazil’s probability of winning the final against Germany is just 50.6 percent, leaving the defending champions with a 49.4 percent chance in the final.
Behind the two top favourites Germany and Brazil there were two other teams with a good chance of winning: Spain (12.5 percent) and France (12.1 percent).
The most likely semi-final pairings was therefore Brazil vs. France at 9.4 percent and Germany vs. Spain at 9.2 percent.
Both Brazil and Germany were deemed the more likely winners of these matches.
England was picked out as the seventh most likely team to win, with a probability of 4.9 percent.
The bookmakers’ odds saw the host country Russia as the twelfth-best team overall.
While the probability that Russia will reach the quarter-finals was an impressive 28.9 percent, their chances of winning the tournament were just 2.1 percent.
‘Naturally, the bookmakers want to earn money with their betting offers, and hence they set their odds as realistically as possible, taking into account not only historical data but also the tournament draw and short-term events such as injured players,’ Professor Zeileis said.
1) Brazil – 16.6%
巴西– 16.6%
2) Germany – 15.8%
德国– 15.8%
3) Spain – 12.5%
西班牙– 12.5%
4) France – 12.1%
法国– 12.1%
5) Argentina – 8.4%
阿根廷– 8.4%
6) Belgium – 7.3%
比利时– 7.3%
7) England – 4.9%
英格兰– 4.9%
8) Portugal – 3.4%
葡萄牙– 3.4%
9) Uruguay – 2.7%
乌拉圭– 2.7%
10) Croatia – 2.5%
克罗地亚– 2.5%
11) Colombia – 2.2%
哥伦比亚– 2.2%
12) Russia – 2.1%
俄罗斯– 2.1%
13) Poland – 1.5%
波兰– 1.5%
14) Denmark – 0.9%
丹麦– 0.9%
15) Mexico – 0.8%
墨西哥– 0.8%
16) Switzerland – 0.8%
瑞士– 0.8%
17) Sweden – 0.6%
瑞典– 0.6%
18) Egypt – 0.5%
埃及– 0.5%
19) Serbia – 0.5%
塞尔维亚– 0.5%
20) Senegal – 0.5%
塞内加尔– 0.5%
21) Peru – 0.4%
秘鲁– 0.4%
22) Nigeria – 0.4%
尼日利亚– 0.4%
23) Iceland – 0.4%
冰岛– 0.4%
24) Japan – 0.3%
日本– 0.3%
25) Australia – 0.2%
澳大利亚– 0.2%
26) Morocco – 0.2%
摩洛哥– 0.2%
27) Costa Rica – 0.2%
哥斯达黎加– 0.2%
28) South Korea – 0.2%
韩国– 0.2%
29) Iran – 0.2%
伊朗– 0.2%
30) Tunisia – 0.1%
突尼斯– 0.1%
31) Saudi Arabia – 0.1%
沙特阿拉伯– 0.1%
32) Panama – 0.1%
巴拿马– 0.1%