回复:用英文打电话找工作 实用经典句future(2009/1/30 7:01:42) 点击:
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212.* * * Conversation Steps
1. Say "hello" and acknowledge (and note) the name of person you are speaking to.
例 "Hello, my name is .... And, your name please?"
2. Tell them why you are calling and who you wish to speak to. If you are conducting a follow up call, quickly describe previous communications.
例 "I am calling about the marketing assistant position and I would like to speak to the director of marketing, please."
"I saw on the Internet that your company offers entry-level sales options. Is there a specific person who could tell me more about these positions? Good. That person's name, phone and fax number is? Does he/she have email?"
2. Assess the current status of your application, confirming whether your faxed or posted documents were received, and focus on identifying appropriate next steps. Be assertive about this -- request an appointment for a job or informational interview. If the person you are speaking to cannot arrange one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or referrals.
例 "I e-mailed a CV to ... of your human resources office. Can I speak to Mr./Ms. ...? I would like to confirm that the CV was received and clarify next steps." Ask to see the appropriate person, "I'd like to arrange an appointment with Mr./Ms. ..."
3. Request an appointment for an employent interview or information conversation. Again, if the person you are speaking with cannot arrange one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or for a referral.
例 "Yes, I understand that decisions regarding formal interviews won't be made for a few weeks. In the meantime could you refer me to someone who is in a sales position? I would like to informally learn about what it is like and ask questions about their experiences. Who would you suggest I speak to?"
4. Thank the person you are speaking to and confirm spelling of all names, postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers.
例 "Thank you so much. You have been very helpful. If I have additional questions would it be appropriate to call you again? Again, Mr./Ms. .... is the best person to contact and their phone and fax number is... Is that correct?"
100 Potential Interview Questions/一百道面试问题
http://www.ftp8.co.uk/viewthread ... page%3D1#pid2005874