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The history of Bournemouth University
pizza(2009/8/20 7:05:11)  点击:50274  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
The University's origins can be traced to the early part of the 20th century with the foundation of the former Bournemouth Municipal College. Its modern history began in the early 1970s with the creation of the Bournemouth College of Technology. Construction of the new buildings on what was the largest farm in Talbot Village was completed by September of 1976.

During this time, the Dorset Education Committee reviewed the provision of further and higher education throughout the county. As a result, the College was renamed the Dorset Institute of Higher Education.

In 1990, the Dorset Institute successfully met all of the requirements of the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council and was re-designated Bournemouth Polytechnic. Under the Higher & Further Education Act of 1992, the Polytechnic became Bournemouth University with inauguration on November 27th of the same year.

Throughout its life, Bournemouth University has developed a strong reputation for offering a wide range of opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate study, research and consultancy.

The number of students attending the University has risen to almost 16,000 within a quarter of a century. Inspired by an entrepreneurial spirit, the University continues in the development of learning opportunities and is amongst the leaders in the UK for graduate employment.

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