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Bournemouth University: The Essential International Welcome Guide
pizza(2009/8/20 6:51:26)  点击:51254  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
  The Essential International Welcome Guide is for all international (non-UK) students who are coming to study at BU or one of our Partner Colleges. We strongly recommend that you read it and believe that you will find something useful and relevant in it, whoever you are.

  If you have confirmed your place to study at BU you'll receive a copy of the Essential International Welcome Guide by post. It is also available here on our website so that you can refer to specific sections online and download them if you want to.

  If you have any problems opening any of the files below then please email us.

  If there is any information you need before you arrive in the UK and you can not find it here, please contact the askBU team.


  About this Welcome Guide (pdf - 197kb)

  Hello (pdf - 270kb)

  The Orientation Programme (pdf - 267kb)

  Bournemouth University Preparatory English Programme (BUPEP)(pdf - 199kb)

  Bournemouth University International Foundation Certificate (IFC) (pdf - 199kb)

  Exchange Students (pdf - 133kb)

  Students not arriving in September or October (pdf - 241kb)

  Students studying at Partner Colleges (pdf - 312kb)

  Student bringing their families to the UK (pdf - 237kb)

  Immigration (pdf - 240kb)

  Preparing to come to the UK (pdf- 352kb)

  Money (pdf - 327kb)

  Accommodation (pdf - 278kb)

  Health (pdf - 299kb)

  Travelling to Bournemouth (pdf - 194kb)

  Orientation checklist (pdf - 160kb)

  Cultural adaptation (pdf - 321kb)

  Practical information about life in the UK and Bournemouth (pdf - 262kb)

  Social life (pdf - 380kb)

  Support and help available at BU (pdf - 296kb)

  Study skills (pdf - 233kb)

  Working in the UK (pdf - 212kb)

  After BU (pdf - 190kb)

  Contacts (pdf - 248kb)

  Glossary of terms (pdf - 192kb)

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