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NBA2K18 player ability to introduce
marsjjw12(2017/8/10 15:16:20)  点击:37285  回复:0  IP:218.* * *
"NBA2K18" With the commercial film shooting, the official also released the ability of some players data, presumably we must be very interested in today Xiaobian brought "ESPN post commentators" to share the "NBA2K18" part of the player ability value of the introduction, nonsense not much, we look at the following.
Kevin Durant 96
Stephen Curry 94
Carl - Anthony Downs 91
Paul George 91
Kerry Owen 90
Damien Lillard 89
Isiah Thomas 89
De Mar de Rozan 89
Devin Booker 86
Joel Ebide 86
Dwight Howard 81
Mark Fulz 80
Langzo Bauer 80
De Angelo Russell 80
Nick Young 74
"NBA2K18" how to buy? Steam platform has opened the pre-order activities, we only need a few s

imple steps to operate, you can add it to their own game library, nonsense, the following Xiaobian bring "NBA2K18" Steam pre-order tutorial and the difference between the different versions , Come together to see it<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">mt points</a>
1, first download steam and install the client, after the account registration, and then through the upper right corner of the search bar search NBA2K18.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba mt</a>
2, see the version, add it to the shopping cart, choose to buy for their own, then jump to the payment page.
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