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FIFA17 how to shoot arc ball shot, lob shot teaching
marsjjw12(2017/8/8 14:10:44)  点击:37229  回复:0  IP:218.* * *
Shooting is the most basic football, but do not underestimate the shot Oh Shooting a variety of ways, very particular about the skills. Here we give you talk about how FIFA17 shot, introduced several advanced shooting methods, such as arc ball shot, lobs and so on.<a href="http://www.fifa1314.com/">buy fifa 18 coins</a>
We first look at the most common shot, the operation method is the left joystick + B key. The most common way to shoot is to the other goalkeeper, the weak angle of the back line hit the door.<a href="http://www.fifa1314.com/">fifa 18 Ps4 coins</a>
Ordinary shot applies to dribbling, shot (corner, pass the ball, cross the ball, do not control the ball in the case of foot) and Tuishe (straight plug the ball, in the absence of ball under the foot).
It should be noted that the ordinary shot in the case of low defensive pressure as far as possible to choose to take a shot before, you can create more shot space. Ordinary shot in the case of shaking, the intensity and angle are often not ideal, unless it is very close, or not recommended shot.<a href="http://www.fifa1314.com/">cheap fifa 18 coins</a>
Again is the arc ball shot:
Left joystick + B key, push the left joystick from the foot
In the ordinary shot on the basis of the left joystick to adjust the ball's flight path.
Arc ball shot to create more door angle, but will be in the course of the flight to reduce the speed of the ball, the other side of the door will be more easily confiscated. Suitable for long-range, found the ball flew to the center of the door frame, you can properly push the left joystick to change the ball track.
It should be noted that the arc ball if the shot has already chosen a very Diao point of view, it is not appropriate to add roundabout, or the ball easily fly out of the bottom line or directly into the goalkeeper's arms. Arc ball is a master of the way to fight the door, more flashy, more recommended is the opportunity to stew on the foot.
Lob (spoon)
BL key + B key
To pick the ball through the way the other side of the defensive player and the dragon's head and fall into the net nest shot way.
Suitable for sports warfare and twelve yards, this hit the door is very fancy, as long as the other side of the goalkeeper station to pay off, or the other goalkeeper in the flutter twelve yards when there are signs of flying around, you can display lob The
Note that the lob must be the intensity and angle of the ball, otherwise it will play a slow and flat half of the ball, the goalkeeper will catch two.
In the twelve yards is not recommended with the human players on the use of the spoon when the penalty, because there are many players do not know how to throw a penalty, so it will only stand in the middle, and the angle of the spoon is more difficult to take, easy straight Fly in the road, then the other side without any operation will catch.
Ordinary free kick
B key + left joystick, LB key, LT key
Free kick pattern is very much in the past "FIFA" version can be called up to three free-kick players to participate in the deployment of free kick. It is also possible to adjust the initial position of the free throws.
Free kick the most common practice is to adjust the angle (generally choose the near pillar), and then according to the distance to hit the door, if the gourd near the top, the intensity of a grid (the channel is divided into four grid) can be.
This shot is generally able to cross the wall, if you want the ball flying out of the arc, you need to push the left rocker to make the ball to increase the arc.
Note that the free kick shot in fact worthy of attention is the intensity, the angle is actually followed, because as long as they can cross the wall and fall in the lintel, then the chance to successfully enter a ball is still great.
And the distance of the free kick, goalkeeper generally difficult to confiscate, at most, the ball hit far, then we can launch the second offensive.
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