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Wall less than 2K18 ability value game executives you are a joke
marsjjw12(2017/8/8 14:10:03)  点击:37299  回复:0  IP:218.* * *
August 6, according to the US media "thescore" reported that the Wizards star John - Wall in the famous game 2K18 in the ability value of 90, he is very dissatisfied with the value of this ability, and in the push in the top of the game management company personnel.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">buy mt</a>
Wall seems to be very dissatisfied with the "NBA2K" game, and recently he was in the 2K18 ability value exposure, and the Cavaliers Kerry - Owen as 90. "NBA2K" official also wrote in the social media (Instagram): "John - Wall is ready to lead the Wizards in the" NBA2K18 "in the campaign.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba 2k18 mt</a>
In the current exposure of the players, Wall's ability is still very high, only lower than Kevin - Durant (96), Stephen - Curry (94) and Paul - George (91). But Wall is still dissatisfied with their ability, and in Twitter and "NBA2K" game company's digital marketing director Ronnie - Xin on the.
"It's a joke !!" Ronnie2K (Ronnie's account)
Ronnie quickly responded: "Haha, 90 is not high enough?"
Wall wrote: "Haha, how much do you see me last year?"
Ronnie replied: "Last year you started with 87, the end of the season is 93. Everyone has a low turn high when you always put the ability to enhance the value of the brothers.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba 2k mt for sale</a>
Finally, Wall said: "Haha, last season I was 90 ok, but there is no doubt that it should be 93."
Wall last season played a personal career so far the most outstanding performance, averaging can get 23.1 points, 10.7 assists, 4.2 rebounds and 2 steals. Wizards are also led by Wall, scored the Eastern Conference semifinals.
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