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2K18 capacity value exposure, James became the first
marsjjw12(2017/8/2 13:50:34)  点击:37357  回复:0  IP:218.* * *
Recently, the well-known basketball game "NBA2K18" game player ability value is gradually announced ahead of today, the Golden State Warriors two core Stephen - Curry and Kevin - Durant's ability value is also exposed, Adu's ability value Reaching 96, the capacity of the library also reached 94.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba mt coins</a>

Prior to this, the NBA more than the player's ability to have been published. (89), Isaiah-Thomas (89), Damian-Lillard (89), and (of) , Devon - Buke (86) and Joel - Engby (86).<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba mt now</a>
Today, Curry and Durant's ability to be published, the library capacity of 94, and Durant's ability to value is currently announced the highest player, there are 96. From 2k11-17, James has been reelected for seven consecutive years in the initial capacity of the game. In last year's 2k17, James, Curry and Durant were the top three of the list of abilities, 96, 94 and 93 respectively. James currently in the 2k18 capacity value has not yet announced, Durant can eventually exceed his first person will be a small suspense.<a href="http://www.nbacoinsbuy.com/">nba coins 2k18</a>
But now the new Division Finals MVP Durant with last season and the finals of the terrorist play, and now 2K18 capacity score of 96. Although James is about 33 years old, his state did not appear too much decline in the last season, although the finals lost to the Warriors, but made an unprecedented three pairs of achievements. In previous news reports, Durant put his own now has more than James, if the ability to value in 2k18 over James, will be a strong evidence.
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