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ChinaJoy 2017 NBA 2K18 will be the official introduction of domestic l
marsjjw12(2017/7/26 17:32:41)  点击:37365  回复:0  IP:218.* * *
July 26, 2017, Gamepoch Star Tour and 2K announced today to reach cooperation in China will be the official introduction of "NBA 2K18". NBA 2K series in 16 years to become the most acclaimed and best-selling NBA realistic game, and "NBA 2K18" as the latest sequel to the series, will also be heavily on the official landing in China PlayStation 4 platform.
"The NBA 2K series will continue to set standards for realistic sports games," said Jason Argent, senior vice president of NBA 2K's market. "The NBA 2K18 release is significant for us in the China PS4 platform, We are very excited about the opportunity to combine our brand with Chinese gamers. "
"NBA 2K18" Chinese publisher Gamepoch Star Tour has been committed to the Chinese gamers to provide the world's AAA-level game. This star tour together with the 2K "NBA 2K18" into China, and strive for all of China's PS4 players to provide the most ambitious and realistic basketball experience.
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