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HJTenger(2017/4/21 20:15:25)  点击:38196  回复:0  IP:31.* * *
此贴在2017/4/21 20:26:21被*HJTenger*编辑过

Do you have passion for MARKETING?
This is a fantastic opportunity to join a well-established, industry- leading and still fast- expanding chain restaurant business in our new management team. In this role, you will have the opportunity to hone your marketing skills and develop expertise and help to drive the business forward with creative and innovative marketing / digital marketing strategies and solutions.

Organisation in Brief:
Established in 2004, London based HJ Tenger Holdings Ltd have grown into an encouraging and promising organisation with over 30 outlets and 3 core brands in its portfolio and yet still being young and full of energy with an aspiration to flourish.

Assistant Marketing Manager

Key Responsibilities:
Full responsibility for the web and social media presence.
Play a pivotal role in customer review management.
Advise and support on all campaigns online/offline and provide analysis and reports.
Lead nurturing email marketing automation.

Bachelor degree in relevant discipline

Skills and Abilities:
Willingness to learn
Can-do attitude
Excellent attention to detail
Good communication skills
High standard of written and spoken English
Strong IT skills
Fluent in Mandarin

Negotiable depending on experience

HJ Tenger Holdings is A rating Tier 2 sponsorship certified, will assistant superior candidate to apply for Tier 2 VISA

To apply, please email your CV to [email protected] or post it to HJ Tenger Holdings Limited, 1st Floor, Bradmore House, Queen Caronline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9BW. The closing date for application is [4 weeks from the date of advertising].

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【首页】→ 【工作⊕签证⊕海归】→ 回复:(招聘)天嘉控股集团-市场部助理经理-伦敦西南二区


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