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monica(2009/1/27 21:17:00)  点击:44875  回复:0  IP:195.* * *
just thought this will come in handy when u guys wanna order something at a bar or a club or something...

Beers / Lager / Cider (beer 是啤酒的总称,lager是熟啤酒,cider是用苹果做的,comparatively cider has a lower concentration of alcohol)
i'm personally not a big fan of these... so i'll just list the common onces that i know...

Beck's (beer)
Budvar (Czech lager)
Budweiser (lager, dun like this)
Carling (lager, if i have 2 drink beer then i normally go 4 this)
Carlsberg (lager)
Cobra (lager... indian i think cos the 1st time i had it was @ an indian restaurant)
Diamond White (strong cider, slightly sour i think... if i remembered correctly)
Fosters (lager, some of my friends like this... more 4 guys i think)
Guinness (irish drought bitter... very very bitter... or in my dad's words full of taste... yeah typically the guys like this)
Grolsch (lager / beer)
Heineken (lager / beer)
Stella Artois (drought 生啤... i always have this if i order a beer, suits girls' taste i think)
Strongbow (cider)
Tiger (beer)
White Lightening (cider, not too bad... kinda sweet tasting)
Worthington (cream bitter... with a lot of foam on top)

i would just normally drink any white wine... cos i'm not that classy so i dun really mind which make... n i dun like red wine, think it's discusting, but most chinese ppl have red wine i think? oh there's a tip, u r only supposed 2 chill white wine, not red wine... cos i remember at this chinese party this couple gave us chilled red wine... n i just thought, what on earth?!

here i will not give any comments... call me whatever u like but i seriously can't taste the difference... but what the hell i'm not a wine taster or anything...

Red wine: (just the 1s i know... there r lots more but i dun recognise any of them... u can always look these up in a supermarket or something)
(australia n new zealand)
Jacob's Creek
Nottage Hill
(south africa)
Cape Grace
Long Mountain
Blossom Hill
E & J Gallo Sierra Valley
Blason de Bourgogne Pinot Noir (burgundy)

White wine: (dry wine is slightly more sour)
Barramundi (chardonnay)
Jacob's Creek chardonnay
Montana (chardonnay / blanc)
em... since i dun have any specific demands regarding wine... i normally just pick up whatever is chilled...

onto the clubbing scene... alco-pops 中国好像叫水果酒?女生喜欢的... 含酒量不高,又甜甜的... i used 2 order these when i go out...
they can b sparkling or still (带汽的,或没有汽的)

vodka drinks (含伏特卡)
Red Square (just have to mention Pink Ice... cos u know, it's pink)
Reef (think it contains vodka... can't remember it was so long ago since i had 1 of these, judging from the bitterness... it should b vodka) this is a still drink...
Smirnoff (black / red) Ice
Vodka Mudshake (these r lovely... cream flavoured drinks... my favs r caramel fraise, but i don't think they sell these in bars)
WKD (blue is nice i think)

ok... here's the well known Bacardi Breezer... it is a rum drink... dunno what rum is in chinese but it's different from vodka... less bitter...

there's also Archers Aqua, another alco-pop, very girlie fruity drink... that is Archers based
dunno what that is specifically... just checked on the bottle n it says schnapps... no idea what that means... sounds german (possibly some sorta drink made from apple??? not at all sure)

here comes the Mixers
i just love these... always have these @ bars

basically wiv mixers, u just mix a juice / fizzy drink wiv spirit or liqueur (果水或汽水调的在一起的酒)
just remember the names in bold so u can order them @ bars (ps these r still quite girlie drinks... what can i say? i'm a girl... guys... u can order the beers la~)

the spirit: Gin (bitter tasting... disgusting to drink on its own)
the fizzy drink: tonic water...
combined: gin n tonic (dun like this much cos i hate gin)

the spirit: Vodka (u can virtually mix vodka wiv anything...)
the most common ones r vodka n orange, vodka n coke and vodka n lemonade

the liqueur: Malibu - this is a sort of white rum
sweet tasting, a hint of coconut flavour...
pls whatever u do, don't down it on its own, 别一口喝下去, it tastes disgustingly thick n sweet... but it's very nice if it's mixed wiv fruit juice... highly recommended if u like coconut flavoured things
the fruit juice: pineapple or orange juice
the combination: malibu n pineapple or malibu n orange

the liqueur: Tia Maria (haven't tasted this on it's own... so i'm not 2 sure what it tastes like on it's own...)
typically we drink tia maria n coke

the liqueur: Bacardi - white rum...
yeah mix wiv all kinds of drinks... but generally if u r in a bar n u wanted a bacardi mixer... u'd just order a bacardi breezer e.g. bacardi breezer, cranberry flavour or whatever... i only said that cos it's pink...

the spirit: Archers - peach tasting spirit...
similar 2 archers aqua... u can order archers n orange or archers n lemonade

em... not sure about this one... cos i've never had it...
the spirit: Pimms... i dunno what should go wiv it... but sorta remember my friend ordering pimms n lemon? not sure...

other liqueurs... just drink them on their own...
e.g. Baileys very nice drink made wiv irish cream
if u r hosting a party @ home... a great suggestion is 2 put baileys on top of icecream... it's very nice

also there is Amarula, again a cream liqueur... it's made from amarula fruit in africa... very exotic taste... the girls will like it... but can't get them in bars i think...

there r also other spirits... e.g. whisky, scotch whisky (dad loves bell's), jack daniels... but this r all guys drinks... (well i think they r cos they r 2 strong 4 me) so i dun really know anything about them... sorry guys! u r welcome 2 add anything u know here...

the party gets heated up... wiv shooters / shots
these r supposed 2 b downed very quickly... they come in little shot glasses... (一口喝下去)

ok... the 1 that every1 has been talking about... Tequila shot, sprinkle some salt on the back of ur hand, lick it, down the shot, then suck on a piece lemon... this stuff is great

After shocks
red: sort of a cherry / watermelon flavour? not sure... fruity... it's thick n i always down it quickly so i dun actually kown what it tastes like (水果味道)
blue: disgusting! that's all i remember... very thick... n i dunno what it tastes like... slightly more bitter than the others i think
green: kinda menthol taste... quite nice (薄荷味道)

Screaming orgasm a kinda warm, creamy shot... i'm guessing it has some sorta cream liqueur in it... quite nice

Sambuca there is a very exciting way of drinking it...
chew a couple of coffee beans, set the shot on fire... put it out then drink it...
it feels warm... but it tastes really disgusting... tastes of liquorice (刚刚查了 licorice 中文是甘草) i dunno what that is but i hate liquorice... i just drink sambuca cos of the whole fire effect... hehe...
there's also Black Sambuca which is darker n tastes more of liquorice... haven't tried this 1...

Black Russian tastes of coffee... very nice since i like coffee... but this might b ur traditional shot cos it doesn't come in a shot glass... it's normally in a normal glass, covering ice cubes...

there's also this liqueur drink that i had at a bar in reading... bar 38 i think... it's called Death by Chocolate the girls will love it i think... it was beautifully presented, comes in a wine glass, decorated wiv whirls of chocolate syrup...

Vodka shot just pure vodka... nothing else 2 b said... just down it...
Absolute Citron one kind of vodka shot... there's this vodka brand called absolute vodka... well absolute citron is absolute vodka wiv a hint of lemon...

a touch of class... Cocktails
here i'll just name the more popular n wellknown ones served in a bar... otherwise we'd b here 4ever cos there r thousands of cocktail recipes...

Cosmopolitan pink/red colour... a vodka based cocktail wiv cranberry juice n a hint of citrus... decided 2 try it cos they always have it on sex n the city... n it's pink of course

shaken, not stirred...
Dry Martini vermouth / gin wiv a hint of orange... garnish wiv olive (上面有一颗橄榄的) 2 b honest i dun like this... it's 2 strong n not fruity enough... but i ordered it 4 the 1st time cos i thought it looked really classy on sex n the city... hehe...

Margarita tequila drink most of the time... u can order different kinds of margaritas, e.g. Pineapple Margarita

Sex on the Beach vodka drink again... fruity... exotic... red coloured...

Pina Colada rum drink... i absolutely love this cos it doesn't taste bitter... coconut flavour... slightly milky taste... very very nice...

Manhattan: vermouth drink... tastes of cherry n orange... not keen on this cos it's again a bit bitter 4 my taste...

White Russian vodka wiv coffee liqueur, very creamy... i like this cos it's very sweet... a gud 1 4 the girls...

Bloody Mary u can tell from the name that it's red... er... it's not very nice... has tomato juice... not my thing... but some of u might like it... it's vodka based btw...

Sunrise orange / red colour... vodka based... tastes of orange juice... my friend bought it n i tried it from her glass...
there's also Tequila Sunrise i haven't tried that... but i imagine it's a similar sorta thing but instead of vodka u get tequila...

there's also Long Island Iced Tea but i've never tried that...

there r thousands more... but as i've said i'm not gonna list all of them... if u r interested in making cocktails urself then u can check for the recipes online...

ps i'd like 2 add here that this post is not intended to promote drinking... but 2 b honest it's part of what uni’s like here in UK... so this is a sort of an insight into the english culture... n pls note that u have 2 b over 18 to drink...

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