英国电话号码的分类介绍monica(2009/1/27 21:15:37) 点击:
51236 回复:
0 IP:
195.* * * 01,02 geographic phone numbers
0500 free number 其他05开头的号码,5P per minute anytime。
0632 free numer
07 Mobile phone,pager and personal numbers
076 pagers
077,078,079 mobile phone
08 special-rate numbers
0800,0808 freefone,
0820 school internet use
0845 up to local rate
0870 up to national call rate
0871 internet service
09 premium-rate numbers
0900,0901 time-charged call,up to 60p a minute whre the total call will net cost more than 5 pounds, or a fixed fee of top to 1 pound for each call
0905,0906 open-ended cahrge depending on the time,or a firxed fee.
0907 calls cost more than 1 pound and include paying for products advertised.
0909 adult lines all types and chare rates
099991 099992 free numbers