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1. Woman gets smashed by huge Taco Bell sign被美国快餐店巨型广告牌砸中

Diana Durre, of Chambers, Nebraska, died after a 75-foot (23 m) Taco Bell sign fell on top of the truck cab she was in. The pole broke at a welded joint about 15 feet (4.5 m) above the ground owing to strong winds. The sign fell right on top of the quad-cab pickup。内布拉斯加州的议员戴安娜-杜蕾好端端地坐在车里,一块75英尺(23米)的塔可钟(美国快餐店)广告牌掉了下来击中车辆,戴安娜就此一命呜呼。因为风力强大,广告杆15英尺(4.5米)高的接缝处断裂了。广告牌正好砸到戴安娜的车上。

Diana was meeting a Wyoming couple to sell them some dogs. They had agreed to meet in North Platte, Nebraska, at about 1 p.m., “right underneath the big Taco Bell sign。” The Wyoming couple showed up after the accident。戴安娜当时正要去见一对来自怀俄明州打算向她买狗的夫妇。他们约好下午1点左右在内布拉斯加州的北普拉特见面。“车刚好就在广告牌正下方。” 事故发生后,那对怀俄明州的夫妇也赶到了现场。

2. Man dies crushed by a suicidal woman 被跳楼自杀的女人压死

A suicidal woman who jumped from an eighth floor window crushed a passer-by to death in a horrific accident. The woman hurled herself from the balcony in Viladecans, near Barcelona, and landed on top of a 50-year-old pedestrian who was walking below. The jumper died instantly, and the man, from the Ukraine, died in hospital shortly afterwards from his injuries. His wife, who was walking with him at the time, escaped with minor injuries in the incident。一名从八楼窗户跳楼自杀的女人竟然压死一个路人。在巴塞罗那附近的维拉港,这女人从阳台跳了下去,正好落到一名50岁的行人身上。跳楼的女人当场死亡,而那位来自乌克兰的行人负伤被送进医院不久也一命呜呼了。事故发生时乌克兰人的老婆当时也在身边,所幸只受了些许轻伤。

3. A lawyer, demonstrating the safety of windows in a skyscraper, crashed through a pane and plunged to his death一名律师在示范某摩天大厦玻璃窗安全时,亲自击撞玻璃,却意外身亡

Garry Hoy, a 38-year old lawyer and a senior partner at the Holden Day Wilson Law firm in Toronto, Canada, fell to his death on July 9, 1993, after he threw himself against a window on the 24th floor of the Toronto-Dominion Centre, in an attempt to prove that the glass was "unbreakable" to a group of visiting law students. 38岁的加里-霍伊在加拿大多伦多市的Holden Day Wilson律师事务所担任律师兼高级合伙人。1993年7月9日,在多伦多多明道中心24层,为了向一群前来参观的法律专业学生证明窗玻璃是“牢不可破”的,他以身示范,自个儿朝窗户冲了过去。

He had apparently attempted this stunt many times in the past, having previously bounced harmlessly off the glass. His first attempt failed to damage the glass at all. On his second attempt the glass still didn't break but instead actually popped out of the window frame, and he fell over 300 feet to his death。很明显他以前耍过很多次这个小伎俩,而且每次都能被玻璃弹回来。这回,他第一次依旧没能撞破窗玻璃,第二次,玻璃虽然没破却从窗框上脱落下来,加里硬生生地从300英尺高的楼上掉下去摔死了。

4. Man dies after falling into vat of Hershey's chocolate淹死在巧克力桶里

In a scene straight out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but with grim real life consequences, Vincent Smith II, an employee at the Cocoa Services Inc. chocolate factory in Camden, New Jersey, had a fatal accident. He was loading chunks of raw chocolate, when he slipped and fell into a large melting tank filled with 50°C Hershey's chocolate, and was knocked out by one of the mixing paddles. Smith was trapped in the melting tank for 10 minutes before rescuers were able to extract him. He was declared dead a short time later。这简直就像《查理和巧克力工厂》里的场景,只不过现实后果比较残酷。在新泽西州卡姆登市的可可服务有限公司巧克力工厂,文森特-史密斯II遇到了他的命中劫难。当时他正卸载庞大的巧克力原料,不料一脚滑倒,跌进了装满50℃好时巧克力的融炉里,接着又被其中一根搅拌棒给击昏了过去。史密斯被困在融炉里10分钟后才有人来救他。可惜事后他还是没能挺过来。

5. Roller Coaster Operator, caught by hair, gets scalped and killed 过山车操作员头发被夹,因头皮被扯破至死

In 2003, an American amusement park operator was killed when his hair and arm got caught on a roller coaster car, pulling him up as high as 12 metres before he fell, back-first, onto a fence. Doug McKay, 40, was spraying lubricant

on the tracks of the Super Loop 2, a ride at the Island County Fair on Whidbey Island, northwest of Seattle, when his long hair got caught on a car full of fairgoers. It basically scalped him, then he fell and landed on the fence.2003年,一名美国游乐场的操作员因头发和手臂被夹到过山车座上而死于非命。当时过山车一直将他拉到12米的高空,他掉下来时又正好背朝下落在了栅栏上。在西雅图西北部惠德贝岛的嘉年华会上,40岁的道格-麦凯当时正给过山车“极速2号”加润滑油,不料长发被载满游客的过山车夹住了——确切的说,是他的头皮被扯破了;紧接着他掉下来落在了栅栏上。

6. Man dies after bee attack at his wife's funeral 在妻子葬礼上被蜜蜂蜇死

Jaam Singh Girdhan Barela, a 50-year-old man, died after being stung by a swarm of honeybees while he was cremating his wife in a Madhya Pradesh village. The bees were disturbed after flames from the funeral pyre enveloped their nest in Naya Bilwa village in Khargone district, 330 km from there. While others fled, Barela could not, as he was performing the rituals. He died following multiple stings.50岁的加姆·辛·格德汉·巴雷拉住在印度中央邦的一个村子里。他在火葬妻子的时候被一群蜜蜂蜇死。蜂窝本来远在330公里外的哈格岛Naya Bilwa村,但火葬的烟气熏到了蜜蜂。参加葬礼的其他人都忙不迭地逃窜,可巴雷拉必须主持葬礼仪式不得脱身,多处被蛰伤后他也追随妻子而去了。

7. An entire soccer team dies after being struck by a lighting during a match 整个足球队队员比赛时被闪电击中毙命

During a game between Bena Tshadi and visitors Basanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, all 11 members of a football team were killed by a bolt of lightning which left the other team unhurt. Thirty other people received burns at the match. The two sides were drawing 1-1 in the match in eastern Kasai Province when the lightning struck the visiting team. The athletes from the home team curiously came out of the catastrophe unscathed。这事发现在刚果民族共和国卡塞省东部的一场足球赛,当时主队 Bena Tshadi 和客队 Basanga 正在比赛,一袭闪电突然毙中11名客队队员,而主队队员则毫发无损。比赛场上另有三十人被灼伤。闪电击中客队队员时,双方比赛得分为1:1,而令人惊奇的是,主队队员竟都毫发未伤。

8.  Teenager girl dies after getting hit by a hockey puck 少女被冰球击中毙命

Brittanie Cecil, an American 13-year-old hockey fan, died two days after being struck in the head by a hockey puck shot by Espen Knutsen at a game between the Columbus Blue Jackets and the Calgary Flames at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, on March 16, 2002. 13岁的美国女孩布里塔妮·塞西尔是个冰球迷。2002年3月16日,在俄亥俄州哥伦布的国家体育馆里,哥伦布斯蓝外套队和卡尔加里火焰队进行角逐,球员艾斯·克努森发出的球击中了小女孩。

It was the first fan fatality in the NHL's history. A shot by the Blue Jackets' Espen Knutsen was deflected by the Flames' Derek Morris and went over the glass behind the net, striking her in the left temple. She died nearly 48 hours after being struck。这也是美国职业冰球比赛历史首个球迷死亡事件。蓝外套队的艾斯·克努森发出球后,火焰队的德里克·莫里斯击歪了,导致冰球直接越过拉网后的玻璃,正中女孩的左太阳穴位置。被击中48小时后女孩死亡。

9. stewardess was sucked out of a plane after decompression 空姐在飞机减压时被吸了出去

On April 28, 1988, a Boeing 737-297 serving the flight suffered extensive damage after an explosive decompression in flight, but was able to land safely at Kahului Airport, on Maui. The only fatality was the chief flight attendant, Clarabelle Lansing, who was standing at seat row 5 collecting drink cups from passengers. She was sucked through a hole in the side of the airplane. Another 65 passengers and crew were injured. The safe landing of the aircraft with such a major loss of integrity was unprecedented and remains unsurpassed.1988年4月28日,一架波音737-297飞机在爆炸减压后受到毁坏,但尚能安全降落到毛伊岛的卡胡鲁伊机场,唯一丧命的是乘务长克拉贝拉·兰辛。当时她正在第5排收拾乘客的水杯,不巧被气压从飞机边上的一个洞中吸了出去。其他65名乘客和机务人员只是受了些伤而已。在当时的情况下飞机还能安全降落,而且伤亡人数如此少,就算是现在看来也还是非常罕见少有的。

10. Man dies after his ambulance stretcher rolled down 男子从救护车担架滚落后死亡

In 1991, Edward Juchniewicz, a 76-year-old man, was killed when the ambulance stretcher he was strapped to rolled down a grade and overturned. The ambulance attendants, while speaking to a doctor's staff, had left the stretcher unattended. Juchniewicz suffered a head injury and died a short time later. He was being transported from a nursing home to a doctor's office for an appointment.1991年,76岁的爱德华-乔其尼维兹因救护车担架往下坡走时翻了个滚而命丧黄泉。救护车人员当时在跟医护人员讲话,所以没留神担架。乔其尼维兹头部受伤,不久便丧命。当时他正是要从疗养院出发去看医生。

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